by Clay Routledge | Jan 12, 2023 | Articles and Op Eds
This article was originally published in Profectus Magazine. The human brain is an amazing organ. Though it only accounts for 2% of the weight of an adult human, it uses 20% of the energy our bodies produce. Many of the tasks our brains complete happen without our...
by Clay Routledge and Will Johnson | Dec 17, 2022 | Articles and Op Eds
This article was originally published by the Southern California News Group. Politics increasingly divides Americans. In a free, diverse, and dynamic society like ours, strong philosophical disagreements should be expected. They can be a sign of healthy pluralism —...
by Clay Routledge and Will Johnson | Oct 12, 2022 | Articles and Op Eds
This article was originally published in USA Today. For much of our history, most humans lived far more perilous lives than we live today. Our challenge is less about our material conditions and more about our mindset. Declining birth rates are a major...
by Clay Routledge | Sep 29, 2022 | Articles and Op Eds
This article was originally published in Profectus Magazine. Wellbeing is big business. Americans spend billions of dollars per year on wellbeing-related products, services, and experiences. The Global Wellness Institute estimates the value of the global wellbeing...
by Clay Routledge and John Bitzan | Sep 12, 2022 | Articles and Op Eds
This article was originally published in Real Clear Policy. Almost every day, there is a news story or opinion piece blaming a societal problem on capitalism. A recent one blames capitalism for destroying art, citing Warner Brothers canceling the release...
by Clay Routledge | Sep 3, 2022 | Articles and Op Eds
This article was originally published in the Daily News. Tinder, a leader among American dating apps, is about to turn 10. Tinder is widely criticized as being bad for healthy relationships and even mental health. Generally, it’s a bad rap; the problem runs deeper...