Progress Pulse

Progress Pulse is a data-driven research project of the Human Flourishing Lab exploring Americans’ views about progress. We conduct regular national surveys with The Harris Poll on questions related to human advancement, emerging technologies, and visions of the future. 

Progress is powered by people. This project provides insights into the psychology of progress by illuminating people’s attitudes, knowledge, motives, and goals related to human progress. Discussions about progress often focus on technological, economic, and policy factors. These are critical variables. However, progress is ultimately powered by people. Scientific discoveries, technological advances, and social and legal changes that promote individual and societal flourishing are the products of human minds, teams, institutions, and cultures. By shining a light on the crucial role of human psychology, we hope to inform researchers, policymakers, and organizations committed to promoting human flourishing. 

A project of the Archbridge Institute

The Archbridge Institute is a non-partisan, independent, 501(c)(3) public policy think tank. Our mission is to lift barriers to human flourishing.

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